Hopefully you’ve been using Microsoft Teams to chat with your co-workers, create Office documents and collaborate on them with your teammates at work.  But did you know that Teams can also do two other things?  Online Meetings and Cloud Phone System!   Many organizations use multiple web conferencing solutions like Zoom or WebEx and in some cases, the employees just go out and use whatever system they want (like and it’s not optimal for business.  You want something integrated, easy to use and secure for your Web Conferences.

Be sure to visit our Teams page to see how we can help you adopt and use Teams at work.

Also, what about that ancient phone system you are using?  You still have a paperweight on your desk with a curly que wire attached to it?  Can’t use your business phone because you have to be at your desk to use it?  Well, no more my friends.  Finally, you can get rid of your old phone system that you’ve had for 10+ years and migrate to the modern phone system that’s completely integrated into Microsoft Teams.  It’s so easy to use and it works with everything!  All you need is an internet connection and an endpoint (iphone, android, mac, PC).   Read on for some great promotions available now!

GREAT NEWS side note:  Microsoft 365 Teams Business Voice is NOW AVAILABLE for NON-PROFIT customers at a reduced price!  You can get a cloud phone system for next to nothing!!!!

Finchloom and Microsoft have two new promotions to help small business customers (Under 300 users) make the move to Teams Voice for Cloud Phone System and use Teams for Online Meetings and Web Conferences.

Microsoft 365 Business Voice Promotion 25% OFF for Teams Cloud Phone System for the First Year!

Now you can have your business phone number on ANY device through Microsoft Teams.  Move your numbers from your current provider.  Setup call trees and answering groups (1 for sales, 2 for support, etc..).  Use ONE mobile device for both personal and work phone.  With the Microsoft 365 Business Voice Promotion, customers under 300 users can add Voice capabilities at 25% off for the first year (Normal Price: $20/per user/per month) 

Contact Finchloom today if you want a demo of this amazing Cloud Phone System for Small Business.

Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing for Modern Web Meetings

Many companies have embraced the native functionality of Microsoft Teams for internal meetings with HD Video.  But what about when you need to invite people outside your organization who don’t yet use Teams?  Extend the capability of Microsoft Teams to use Online Web Conferencing now with Audio Conferencing so you have a global system of phone numbers for your participants to dial-in.    With the current Finchloom and Microsoft promotion, you can now add Audio Conferencing FREE for the first year!!!  After that, it’s $4/per user/per month.

If you want to try out Microsoft Teams Audio Conferencing, contact Finchloom today for a demo and get it for FREE!